Events Calendar

grace scholars logoThe mission of G.R.A.C.E. (Georgia Residents Assisting Children’s Education) Scholars, Inc. is to provide children from families with financial need throughout the State of Georgia with greater opportunities to secure a quality PK-12 Catholic education.

The goal is to afford qualifying families a quality education while providing donors with an opportunity to use their tax dollars towards Catholic school scholarships.

Say “Yes” to GRACE today!

GRACE Scholars is accepting preregistration for 2023 tax credits and we need your help again!

Here’s how it works:

  • Pre-registration begins in July 2022. When you preregister, you authorize GRACE Scholars to submit your tax credit application to the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) online portal.  GRACE will input the applications on January 1, 2023 – the first date that the DOR will accept 2023 applications.
  • After you preregister, you will receive an e-mail from GRACE Scholars confirming the receipt of information.  After GRACE enters your tax credit information on Jan. 1, the DOR will have 30 days to issue a letter of approval.
  • You can make your contribution during a 60-day period starting the date of the approval letter.  After the 60 days expire, your tax credit will be void and no extension are possible.
  • Send your contribution to Grace Scholars, Inc. and designate St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School.
  • Claim a Tax Credit on your Georgia Tax Return and a charitable donation deduction on your Federal Return!

Say yes to helping deserving students enjoy the blessings of a Catholic education at Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic School.

Say yes to Bishop Parkes key initiative for making Catholic education more available, affordable and accessible.

Say yes to a moment of personal empowerment and give witness to religious freedom by redirecting your taxes to a cause you cherish.

Listen to Bishop J.Kevin Boland both show and explain the simple steps required for a GRACE Scholars donation. Go to the audioslide show.

GRACE Children with Catholic Education by putting your tax dollars to good use.
For more information and online pre-registration, please visit

Any other questions, please email Mrs. Clare Zeigler in the Parish Office.