Target Red Cards just need to be registered with St. Peter’s on the Target Website. You save 5% and SPA wins too!
When you are back to school shopping remember to look for products that feature Box Tops for Education. Clip the box top and send it in!
Don’t forget to swipe your Publix card when buying groceries to fill up those lunch boxes! A portion of each sale will go directly to St. Peter the Apostle School! Cards are available in both the school and parish offices.
Get a Kroger Plus card at the store. Link SPA to your card at Scan the card at checkout and we start earning instant cash.
Campbells Soup Labels
Snip the labels of over 2600 participating items. Drop them in the church narthex or send them into school. The school can purchase needed items.
Get the shoparoo app on your phone HERE. Select SPA as your cause. Shop as usual. Take pictures of all your receipts and upload them to shoparoo. St. Peter’s will get cash for the receipts downloaded.