Altar Servers: Children in the school or Parish, fourth grade and above are eligible to be servers. For information please contact the Parish Office at 912.897.5156 or Mrs. Paula Hubert for more information.
Athletics: St. Peter’s offers a full-scale athletic program including Football, Basketball, Golf, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Softball, Baseball, and Soccer. For more information please contact our Athletic Director, Coach Sean Sherwood.
Intramural Sports: Nurturing a healthy spirit of competition, sportsmanship and teamwork for our Pre-K through 4th grade students, we offer Pep Squad, Intramural Basketball, Flag Football and Soccer. For more information please contact our Athletic Director, Coach Sean Sherwood.
National Junior Honor Society: The NJHS is more than just an honor roll. The Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
Pep Squad: The Pep Squad consists of our Pre-K to 4th grade girls! Our youngest Rams are very important to us and they love to cheer on our Football teams!
Safety Patrol: Seventh and Eighth grade students assist with carpool drop-off and pick-up!
Southside Optimist Club Oratorical Contest: Each year, St. Peter the Apostle participates in the Club’s Oratorical Contest.
Scripps National Spelling Bee: Each year, St. Peter the Apostle Hosts the Deanery Spelling Bee.
Student Council: A representative structure for students, through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school administration, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.
Talent Show: Each year St. Peter’s students share their performance talents in the Annual Talent Show. Musicians, singers, and dancers share the bill with other performers whose talents range from ventriloquism to karate and pogo jumping!
The Rocky Times Student Newspaper: In 2013, our students began the “The Rocky Times” School Newspaper!
Yearbook: Middle school students serve as graphic designers, photographers and editors on the yearbook staff.
Youth Choir: Students in grades 2-8 are eligible to participate in choir. The youth choir performs at both school and weekend masses. If your child is interested in joining Youth Choir, please fill out the: Choir Sign-up Sheet. Youth Choir gives its participants an opportunity to serve their church, minister to others through music, build character, develop commitment and skills such as promptness, self-control and cooperation, and most of all, praise the Lord!