The Catholic Schools Curriculum is posted at the Diocese of Savannah website. It is listed by subjects, followed by grade levels. Please follow this link: Catholic Schools Curriculum.
The core curriculum of Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic School, consisting of language arts, math, science, social studies and religion, provides the backbone of our academic programs, as the learning objectives in each subject area build from one year to the next through the entire academic life of each student. The emphasis on essential knowledge in our core curriculum is time tested and well-proven to best prepare students for the road ahead, regardless of the academic path they may choose.
The Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic School curriculum follows the curriculum guidelines of the Diocese of Savannah, and is in compliance with all state education requirements. It is designed to prepare students to succeed in any rigorous high school academic program by providing a firm foundation in fundamental knowledge and skills; encouraging breadth of intellectual exposure and depth of study; and inspiring creativity and critical analysis. Solid as it is, our curriculum is in a continuous state of evolution as we aim to equip each new incoming class with the tools, confidence, and abilities demanded by our increasingly complex world.
The curriculum also includes additional courses in Spanish, art, music, technology, and physical education. These courses are provided so that students may broaden their academic exposure, explore particular interests, and challenge their special talents.