The St. Peter’s Booster Club: The club is open to all parents, grandparents, friends and alumni. Membership fees help to cover the cost of equipment, uniforms, S.P.A.L. dues, fees for use of county facilities, field maintenance, referee fees, and all that is needed to help run our first class Athletic Department. Find the Booster Club registration form here:
St Peter’s Booster Club Membership Levels:
- GOLD CLUB MEMBER $80.00 — Includes a Family Pass for all home games and a Booster Sticker
- BLUE CLUB MEMBER $50.00 — Includes a Single or Single Parent Family Pass for all home games and a Booster Sticker
- GOLDEN MEMBERSHIIP New this year for grandparents of any SPA Student $35.00 — Includes a Grandparent Pass for all home games and a Booster Sticker
*Does not include Playoffs or Tournaments (SPAL collects the gate proceeds) Athletic Director: stpetertheapostleathletics@