Please remember to have your child’s immunizations updated and a current copy needs to be on file at the school per Georgia law. We are required to have form 3231 this can be obtained from either your physician or Chatham County Health Department.
EED (Ear, Eye, and Dental)
Form 3300 is now required by law for any student entering a Georgia school for the first time either as a four-year-old or a new student in any grade pre-K through 12th grade. These forms are a screening tool and can be completed by either your health care provider or the Chatham County Health Department.
Medication: Any child in need of medication administered during school hours must have the following form completed for the accompany medication. Please note all medications, over the counter and prescription must be dropped off at the school office and picked up by a parent or guardian.
Diocese Administration of Medication Consent Form
If you have any questions, please contact the School Office:
Mrs. Shandra Peecksen – Administrative Assistant
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Office phone: (912) 897-5224